3rd Grade Parent Meeting

Tuesday, November 6th

Clay Elementary Cafeteria

4:00 – 5:00 3rd Grade ONLY


All 3rd grade TAG parents need to attend this meeting if at all possible. We will explain the process used to qualify your child for TAG services and go over the information gathered during this process. We will also explain the various tests given and how to interpret your child’s scores. If you have any questions about the testing or the TAG program they may be answered at this time.

At this meeting Ms. Chunn and Ms. Cantley, will present this year’s curriculum, give a general overview of how our program works, and answer any of your questions. We will review and explain the extra-curricular opportunities we have developed for our students and cover topics such as field trips, program changes and our online learning environments.

This meeting is a great chance to find out what your student will be up to in Gifted this year.

We hope everyone can make it!

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